Eco-Eternity Forest - 6 East Coast Locations
Thibadeau Mortuary - Silver Spring, Maryland


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I want to highly recommend CornerStone Funeral Home in Boring Oregon. Elizabeth and Michael did a fantastic job preparing my 93 year out father in law. The intimate country setting was a perfect fit for our family and friends. Their help with preparations, paperwork and advice was a great comfort to our family. Michael oversaw the ceremony and coordinated the travel to the cemetery where we were met by The Patriot Guard and a Marine detail. Elizabeth worked in the days prior to the service to assist with securing the Marines, death certificates, floral deliveries, The Patriot Guard and a private viewing for our family. We are extremely grateful for all their hard work and help. Their fees were the most reasonable I found anywhere in the greater Portland area. On a sad and painful day they provided a wonderful experience.

Rich and Dr. Jackie Waggoner 11/10/18

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