Name: Sacred Ceremonies, Ltd.
Category: Family Directed Home Funeral Assistance
City, State: Webster, Wisconsin, 54893
Contact: Lucy Basler
Phone: 715-866-7798
Natural End Pledge on file - February, 2010
Category: Family Directed Home Funeral Assistance
City, State: Webster, Wisconsin, 54893
Contact: Lucy Basler
Phone: 715-866-7798
Natural End Pledge on file - February, 2010
Several years before my mother was diagnosed with cancer she met Lucy Basler and attended a conference on home funerals. She thought the whole concept was great. Later she became sick and together with my father she planned a home funeral with Lucy Basler. Things got a little complicated at the end and my mother passed away in the hospice room of a local hospital instead of at home. My father and I were pleased though, that the local funeral home worked with us and we were able to still have a funeral for my mother that was close to what she wanted. Lucy Basler was flexible, calm, comforting, and sensitive throughout the entire process. My father was happy with how simple and easy the process was. In the midst of all of that emotional and physical exhaustion, it was a relief to have Lucy available. Her guidance really helped us transition through one of life's most difficult times.
Posted by: Sarah Behm | Mar 23, 2011 at 10:17 AM