Natural End Providers - They Sign the Pledge!


View or download the Natural End pledge (Right click to download)

The Natural End Network makes it easier for families seeking natural funeral options - like no embalming, a biodegradable container, a natural burial - to find cemetery and funeral service providers who have pledged to offer them.  

Each Natural End provider agrees to abide by the Natural End Pledge's core principles in the categories that apply. Natural End signers are listed on this site and the map for free; they can post more information for a fee, and that helps keep this online directory going. 

Funeral Service Providers agree to, at minimum:

  •     accept caskets purchased elsewhere by the family (as per FTC Federal law)
  •     include natural funeral options in the General Price List
  •     promote biodegradable coffins and urns for purchase (display & make available)
  •     assist the family in locating an OBC*-free or full earth-contact natural burial site
  •     comply with mortuary service provider requirements below if offering embalming

*The OBC is an outer burial container for the casket

Mortuary service providers (may include Funeral Directors who embalm) agree to, at minimum:

  • offer embalming-free natural funeral services, including public viewings
  •  provide low and/or non-toxic embalming options if requested

Cemeteries agree to, at minimum:

  • offer vault/OBC-free burials and shroud burials with no coffin/casket required in either a dedicated section or anywhere throughout the cemetery. (the latter is strongly encouraged!). Shroud burials may require a carrier.
  • implement resource-use reduction & habitat enhancement in the cemetery

Family Directed Funeral Assistants and Guides, at minimum:

  • support the family in identifying and utilizing natural options as described for funeral service providers above, including products and services
  • ensure that the family member -- who has legal responsibility, and is acting as, or in-lieu-of, a funeral director -- stays in charge of the home funeral process at all times
  • be informed of all applicable funeral-related laws and regulations and fulfill all legal requirements

Natural End basic listings on this website are FREE to any providers

who meet the above criteria in their respective categories.



NOT REQUIRED BUT SUGGESTED: In addition, many Natural End network affiliates may also::

  • assist with interstate transport of unembalmed bodies to other facilities when needed
  • work to operate an increasingly energy-efficient business facility
  • practice toxic-use reduction in the facility (chemicals, embalming fluids, etc.)
  • practice resource-use reduction and habitat enhancement on the grounds they manage
  • work with other funeral service providers to support increased natural end-of-life options nationwide
  • work with families to facilitate in-home services and wakes

The provider's agreement (the Natural End Pledge) is transparent to everyone, and there are no "hidden" standards. If a provider does more than the basics in the pledge, the provider can add an extended description to their listing and describe the "extras" they provide.

When you work with a Natural End Network provider you can be confident that you're working with a service or a business that's made a commitment to both you and the future, in writing, that you can read for yourself and hold them to for the future.

If they've signed the pledged, they're partnering with YOU!


NOTE --- ALL NATURAL END SIGNERS ARE ENCOURAGED to comply with FTC Green Guides recommendations for using the word "green" and other protected terms in advertising materials and other communicationsCLICK HERE FOR THE GOOGLE SEARCH FOR FTC-GREEN GUIDES - THEIR LINKS KEEP CHANGING!



Funeral service providers and cemeteries who want to support the Natural End Network can purchase extended information pages. Consumers who want to do so can patronize Natural End network Pledge Signers. For more information on becoming a Natural End Network provider, contact us.




This network is sponsored by supporters who wish to see natural funeral options readily available wherever people need them.






The Natural End Pledge is NOT a certification body. Pledge signers are never inspected by anyone but the customers (who are free to comment on the Natural End Map)!

Sponsors of the Natural End map are not endorsing the actions of pledge signers, and pledge signers are not endorsing the products or services of sponsors. This is a service provided for informational purposes only. As with any other product or service purchase, customers should exercise their own due diligence and not rely solely on representations made here.